หมวด: Prati
ฮิต: 3416


Advanced off-line booklet maker

Premium offline booklet maker with all the benefits of offline processing. User-friendly, fast, enabling accurate tension and register control, the machine allows for clean processing. A patented lamination unit, with a variable angle to process 5 kinds of laminated labels, creates the correct curvature for the finished booklet keeping the base label at full size. With such high levels of accuracy, the VEGAplus BKL is ideal in satisfying the strictest demands of the pharmaceutical industry.

Avoiding the need for further processing steps, this system reduces the need for machinery and cuts costs as well as boosting productivity. Many options are available to tailor the machine to the exact standard required by the customer.
It is even possible to convert blank SA material into finished BKL labels with in-register brailled laminate.